Please comply with the following rules:
These Forums are intended for the discussion of all things model and hobby-based. Primarily a place for newcomers and experienced modellers alike to ask questions and seek assistance from like-minded individuals, these Forums offer a user community for all those interested in modelling.
Discussion of non-Hornby Hobbies brands is allowed, however, active promotion or advertising of these brands is not permitted
Please keep in mind that these Forums are a publicly viewable space and you should never post personal information (including email addresses) nor Software 'Activation Keys'.
We reserve the right to amend or remove any content without explanation.
Please keep all discussions polite or, at the very least, civil. Action will be taken against posts and/or topics that cause distress beyond a debate or disagreement.
No profanity or foul language. This includes using stars (*) or other characters instead of letters. Any un-called for language will be removed and repeated offences will be subject to further Admin action.
No racial, ethnic or gender-based insults and other personal discrimination. Any references to these kinds of discrimination will also be removed.
No posts meant to offend, hurt or cause distress for any other user. This includes actively antagonizing (“trolling”) users or members of staff & community moderators and will be open to further Admin action.
Moderator action discussion will not be entered into within open forum. Members who have moderation issues should raise them direct with Hornby Hobbies.
Any transaction involving sharing personal information is not allowed on the Forum. This includes 'buying & selling' and any content posted to facilitate personal gain.
Pornography, warez or any other illegal transactions may NOT be posted or linked in any shape or form.
Remember to post in the correct sub-forum. Take your time to look at other topics and see where your topic should go. If your topic is placed in the wrong sub-forum it will be moved by either the Administrator or a Community Moderator. Intentionally or repeatedly misplacing topics will be subject to further Admin action.
Spamming or repeatedly posting similar topics will not be permitted.
Any impersonation of a user or organisation within these forums is strictly prohibited.
If you are linking to external content, you should link directly to that content. It is unacceptable to use link-thru systems to mask the originating URL, and cases, where this is found to be happening, may be edited or removed as appropriate.
Everything posted on our Forum is considered 'User Generated Content' [UGC] and can be used by Hornby Hobbies Limited at its discretion. For full details, please check our Terms & Conditions (UGC clause located towards the bottom of the T&C page).
All advice given is followed at your own risk. Posts are made in good faith, Hornby Forum users cannot be held personally accountable and Hornby Hobbies Limited cannot be held liable, for the results of following any instructions given.
We reserve the right to remove or censor ANY post at our discretion. Violation of any of these rules and guidelines will result in further Admin action determined on a case-by-case basis.
We reserve the right to ban any user who violates our guidelines or disrupts our community. While we will try to offer fair warning, this may not always be possible.